
26.2 Slices of Cheesecake

So, I'm back from New York or Noo Yoik as I kept saying all week (much to the dismay of the Bedmate). We had a fantastic time and he did brilliantly in the marathon. I like to think my pre-race rendition of Labi Siffre's Something Inside So Strong helped spur him on. A BIG congratulations to anyone else who completed the gruelling course. I have so much respect; I got out of breath just walking over the Brooklyn Bridge.

The highlight of the trip (aside from spotting the Bedmate at mile 24 of the marathon) was seeing the ladies of Sex and the City filming in Bryant Park. I, along with practically every other person on the planet sporting a pair of ovaries, love SATC. Love. Last time I was in New York I did one of the SATC tours. Any of you who actually live in the city are probably rolling your eyes in tourist-induced disgust at the moment but I can't apologise for my passion. So you can imagine my delight when I saw the four ladies up close. I instructed the Bedmate to take photos, not wanting to appear stalkeresque, however this illusion may have been ruined when somebody, perhaps me (I can't be sure; there was a lot of hustle and bustle) screeched "You look beautiful Sarah-Jessica." Oh dear.

The holiday, of course, involved a lot of food. Being a dutiful girlfriend I matched the Bedmate with all of his pre-run carb loading and all of his post-race calorie replenishing. I know what you're thinking: selfless. Subsequently, I am now carrying some extra 'Junior's' weight, so named because of the amazing Junior's cheesecakes. Seriously, these people bake cheesecakes encased in chocolate fudge cakes. Good Lord. I was two steps away from buying their recipe book in Borders, but much like Eve and the serpent, sometimes it is better not to know.

When we weren't overdosing on the cheesecake we went in search of the perfect cupcake. The search, however, was short lived as after a couple of disappointingly dry results we decided to give up. I have come to the conclusion that too many cupcakes are of the fur coat and no knickers variety: beautiful to look at, but somewhat lacking in taste.
What the Bedmate was impressed with was the selection of Ben and Jerry ice-cream flavours.* In fact, if anyone was in the small supermarket on Henry Street in Brooklyn last Wednesday you might have seen us. We were the two Brits staring in awe at the ice-cream freezer, one of whom was trying to mask her tourist-tastic 'I heart NY' sweatshirt (ostensibly purchased for the Flatmate but pulled on in the bitter cold near Wall Street).

Now we're back in London where the taxis are a sedate black and the most exotic B&J flavour is Phish Food. I've been longing to do some wholesome home baking, but am giving myself a week to allow the grave risk of cheesecake induced heart failure to subside. I promise a recipe next time.

* Not only does New York have a devilishly good selection of ice-cream flavours, the choice of fruits and vegetables is also outstanding. I took these pictures at the Union Square Greenmarket (a favourite of many a New York food blogger - I was on the look out for familiar faces). Look at the selection of carrots (including the rainbow variety). Tesco take note: we want more than just orange.

And just in case you thought with all that cheesecake I was neglecting my five-a-day quota:

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